Wednesday 17 August 2016


All things are still loud "mmmm"ing with Josh and Amanda - seriously, why does he do that? It's gross.

Evan, with a false sense of confidence, interrupts the face-sucking duo, hoping for a chance at Amanda's heart.  She turns him down very clearly... but surprisingly all Evan hears is "there's still a chance."  Just gotta get through the 6'2", 220lb brick house that is Josh.

Best of luck to you Evan.


Josh managed to find something else to keep his mouth busy while Amanda was chatting with Evan - cheesy pizza.  Which he eats while "mmm"ing.  Yah.  Gross.

At the rose ceremony  my favourite runner-up  Nick got a pity rose from the "other" twin, Hailey - but , yay, we're happy because we like Nick and we really like him working out on the beach.

BUT that means the guy no one remembers is heading home.  Bye ... you.

Chris Harrison calls Josh out for sweating profusely.  How does Amanda handle it?
It's just so hot..
And that's just gross.
Sarah shocks the crowds by giving her rose to DAMN! Daniel instead of Christian.  Only they can understand their connection, but I kinda like it.
Carly gives her rose to Evan... and he's in love with her again too.  Ugh.
"He knows it's a strictly platonic rose." - does he, really?

The next day, the women are worried to see Caila - the almost Bachelorette, before JoJo stole the title.  She immediately goes after Jared and Emily takes it well, kinda.

Jared has a great time with Caila and "sees a future with her" already.  Damn.  They do seem like a good match - with sweet and sweeter personalities.  Barf.               

DAMN! Daniel then sucks water from Vinny's belly button.  Why?  Because he's Daniel.

Meantime, "mmmmm" is going strong.  
Then the first double date in BIP history happens for Lace, Grant, Izzy and Vinny.  
They get drunk, party and dance.

Emily wants Jared to pick her over Caila... because "she's cute and a good kisser" (according to her, I have no idea).

In other news, Evan gets so drunk producers call in medical.  It's all very dramatic.

Bottom line, producers overreact for television.  BUT their plan works and it brings Carly to his room where she's sequestered for the night.  Poor girl... oh wait... they make out.  WTF.

Clever Evan, very clever.
  Back to Amanda and Josh, where they get it on... on national tv.  Which, honestly, surprised me from the good lil Amanda - the mommy of two lil girls... the sweet, angelic 27yr old.  
Oh wait, she's 27... ok, yah, go ahead girl, get laid!

And suddenly the music changes... just as Jared and Caila are getting cozy... here comes water-works-Ashley.

Ashley claims she's given herself only 3 times the entire season to shed some tears.  That lasts about 20 mins into the episode as the waterfall flows.  Once she learns about Caila and Jared's potential she loses it.
   I feel for Jared, who, for the last year, has put up with Ashley's attentions and thought they built a friendship... only to be blasted by her once he finally finds someone he really likes.                           

Caila, otherwise known as "that lying whore" according to Ashley, feels badly now and is going to hold back from Jared.  This could be Jaila's demise.
That look.

Ashley ends up using her date card on Daniel, who is really interested in the fact she's a virgin.  He kinda grossed me out with all that talk.  But their date was cute, until Ashley was taken away to be sacrificed.  It was weird.  


After being sacrificed, Ashley returns and Jared only has one question for her... 

Ashley - "To get over you!" - well, how's that working out for you?

Evan is sent to hospital with swollen ankles, that's right, swollen ankles.  

Carly goes with him and somehow this makes her fall for him all over again.  Carly is back on the Evan train.  Woo-woo!
No, no it's not.

To the excitement of Nick, Jen walks into paradise.  He is smitten.  I am loving it.  She gives him the date card and they go to the beach with loads and loads of creepy, crawly crabs!

Loved when Jen said "I'm kinda attracted to you a bit... are you attracted to me?"  She's slightly adorable.  Or at leastI hope she is, you never know this early on, she could break out the crazy.  

Still crying...

In the end, Jared is left making a tough decision.  Does he give a rose to Caila, who he wants to be with... or Ashley, who he doesn't want to hurt?  Will Daniel give his rose to Sarah... or Ashley, who he's hoping to deflower?  And who will save the twins?
Just because I've been waiting to use this baby.

Fav moment of the show - Nick trying to give Ashley a dose of reality regarding Jared:
 "this isn't love, this is infatuation.  It's not love... not even close.  You're not going to be with him.  You're never going to be with him."

Loved it.

Until next week, I'm going to take this moment to say my goodbyes.
~xo KP


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