Tuesday 30 August 2016

Week 4: The Break Up

In Paradise new meat... I mean men... join the group.  A couple of "who the hell are they?" walk in and one brings a lamp.  I still don't remember him.   But he sets his sights on Caila and that worries Jared.
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Caila proves she could never handle being the Bachelorette because she is the most indecisive human on the planet, thereby being the most frustrating.  But with great hair. 

She kept changing her mind about going... or staying... or going... or staying... when Brett asks her on a date.  It was the most annoying 60 seconds of tv EVER!  

She finally decides to go on the date and immediately regrets it - making Jared a very happy camper and sending Ashley into tears.  Not that that's difficult.
Image result for caila bachelor in paradise gif
At the rose ceremony, too many women are after Daniel for his rose, making him feel like a Canadian God.  It's too much.

On the chopping block, Sarah, Ashley and the twins... 
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For some reason, Sarah is actually into Daniel and his strange - she even makes him a cake for his "half birthday" - whatever that means.

Ashley bonds with Daniel and his insane, yet somehow reflective, advice on getting over Jared and is confident she's getting the rose.
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And Hailey takes one for the team and kisses Daniel - if you can even call that a kiss - after he professes his love... of her butt.

Needless to say, Hailey gets his rose.  Wait... what?  
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Sadly this means Sarah and Ashley head for their rides to the airport.  Sarah, cheated yet again in her quest for love.  Sigh.  

Ashley makes it as far as the door, turns around and asks the group for a second chance at winning Jared over.  Cause you know, she is close.  They unanimously agree.  Ashley is here to stay and make Caila's life difficult.
                                  Image result for daniel bachelor gif                   

Later... Emily finds a love match with a tattoo'd guy, Clark... Chuck... Scott??  No wait, CARL!!  I mean, when your date can't even remember your name ... but then again it is one of the twins so... not super surprising.  
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Grant sets up a super sweet couples massage date for he and Lace... and then he drops the "L" bomb... the first in paradise this season... well, if you don't count Ashley and her undying, unreturned love for Jared.  
                                    Image result for lace and grant bachelor in paradise gif 

Carly and Evan seem to be doing well... she's honest and cute about their connection.  She thinks he's the good guy who really shouldn't finish last.   
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He makes her feel good about herself, and really, who doesn't want that?  I want that - for Carly... she deserves happy.
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Meanwhile, the winds are 'a changing' in Paradise.  The "strongest couple" has a falling out... in fact, Izzy and Vinny were so strong that they barely got any air time.  I wish I cared that they split... but I never had a chance to get invested in their relationship.  

Izzy admits she has doubts about her 4 week fling with Vinny because she thinks Brett is hot so Vinny leaves broken-hearted.  
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The news of the break shakes the house and everyone's mood changes... making this the perfect time for our favourite Paradise couple to return - Janner!
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The first ever BIP lasting-love-duo get to choose a couple to hand out the next date to.  I'm pretty convinced they will give it to either A) Carly and Evan since Carly is Jade's BFF or B) Jared and Caila since Jared is a close friend.  
Image result for bff reaction gif
They meet with the couples, deciding Josh is insincere, Nick and Jen are too new and Carly with Evan is just too... well... weird, in a nutshell.

Even though Ashley begs them to not give the date to Jared and "that lying ho-bitch" Caila, the duo send the new love birds on a romantic date.  Ashley cries.
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Jared and Caila go on another date and kiss.  Lots.  Lots of kissing.  
But it is a refreshing change from Josh sucking Amanda's face with all the "mmm-ing."  
                                Image result for CARLY  bachelor in paradise gif

On their date Jared and Caila strip down to their Calvin Klein's and "swim" in what looks like brown, dirty waters.  Yuck.  But they have a great time.
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Back at the beach... Lace appears to be on the verge of breaking things off with Grant... 
Not entirely sure why... maybe because falling in love actually scares her??
                          Image result for CARLY  bachelor in paradise gif

Ashley takes it upon herself to confide in Jared that Caila is fake and not as into him as he is in her.  He takes it all in.  Jared doesn't appear to have a mean bone in his chiseled lil body. He manages to tell Caila about his conversation without throwing Ashley under the bus.  

Caila, reads between the lines, and decides it's time to confront ol' Ashley.  Good for her.  Except that Ashley bats her eyes and basically ignores everything.
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How Ashley has managed to live in this dreamland for this long is amazing.  What will it take for her to move past Jared?

Well... stay tuned.  I believe next week could change everything... and by next week I mean Wells (from JoJo's season) arriving at Paradise.

*Side note: did Leah leave in such a hurry she forgot her bikini and Ashley helped herself to it or is it possible they have the exact same one?  Thoughts?

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                        Image result for ashley bachelor in paradise gif

While we ponder that one...  I'm going to take a moment and say my goodbyes.
Until next week... 
~xo KP

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