Sunday 31 July 2016

Week 9 ... Let the Drama Continue

When last we left off JJ was torn (that's right, I'm now too lazy to add the o's to JoJo), Luke, like, finally admitted he was in love with her, which is exactly what she needed to hear and she was just about to send him home.  Now, conflicted, JJ must get back to the rose ceremony.

Here we go...

We return to JJ crying on the tarmac... unfortunate.
And then, with all the dramatic music playing, she sends like, Luke home.  Too little too, like, late Luke.  
It was slightly awkward at the goodbye... JJ was holding onto him crying while he stared blankly off into space, dumbfounded.  And he just kept saying "like, I don't understand, like, I thought... like like like"... maybe I won't like, miss Luke so much.

After the Luke goodbye the 3 remaining guys and JJ head off to Thailand.  

JJ is very protective of her heart following the last season.  
One her date with Robby she struggles with her feelings and his.  JJ is afraid of letting the walls down, she's afraid of getting hurt again.

Ben breaking JoJo's heart.
JJ and Robby make their way to the fantasy suite and the music becomes uplifting as Robby and JJ profess their love (to producers) about each other as they head off to have sex.  Have fun kids!

The next morning JJ is full of all the love for Robby.  She's keeping a lid on it because she still has a couple other guys in the wings - but he definitely seems the front runner.  I'll admit, I did not expect that.

Jordan gets the second date, second night and tough to compete from the sounds of it.

Jordan and JJ head into a sacred temple and can't suck face.  It's a big deal apparently that the two can't kiss for the amount of time they spend in the temple.  Soon, kids, soon you'll be doing a lot more than kissing in the fantasy suite.


Time to get down to the "real" questions with Jordan.  JJ asks him what the future looks like annnndddd he doesn't have an answer.  

The best part: Jordan says he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and she tosses it back in his face with "that's what Ben said."  Wow.  Just wow.  Ben has legit ruined this poor girl.

"How do you know you want me?  How do you know?"  JJ is really grilling Jordan... or so I thought.  But once he gives a vague, I just know, answer she caves.  
Weak JJ - very weak.


Chase, at this point, really has no chance.  I never really felt the bond between them anyway... but I could be wrong.  Hell, she kept Evan around for a while and I didn't think he'd get past the first night.  Hell, he shouldn't have made it past the producers.
Oh Evan.                                           

Right before her date with Chase our bachelorette admits to producers she's in love with Jordan and Robby.  
So basically, bye Chase.

Didn't help Chase's cause when Robby crashes the middle of his date by secretly visiting JJ at her hotel room.   Well played Robby, well played.


Awkwardness ensues as JJ leaves Chase sitting on the couch in their fantasy suite after professing his love for her.  He even says he doesn't want to live in a world without her.  Deep.  She lets him sit on that one for a bit before coming back in to hand him his heart.

Shake it off Chase, shake it off.

And then there were 2.

Down to Jordan and Robby.  I don't like either.  Damn.  

Good luck JJ.  I don't give your relationship, no matter who you end up with, much hope.  Jordan is too into himself and Robby isn't over his last relationship.  Yikes all around.

Men Tell All next week!
The Chad Bear is back - let's get to poking!!


Until next week I'm going to take a moment and say my goodbyes.

~xo KP

Friday 29 July 2016

Week 8: The Hometowns

Hometowns are here and we're off to Colorado first with Chase.

Chase's mom decides she loves JoJo immediately and is definitely a big fan of her son.
Annnnddd... I have nothing else to say about this hometown because it bored me.

Now we head to ... somewhere... for Jordan's hometown.  He lives in a place where the deer and antelope play... actually there's no antelope, just deer.
Jordan takes JoJo to his old high school and they immediately make out.  
Jordan's mom talks in whispers for some reason.  And JoJo spends most of her time trying to get to the bottom of why she won't be getting free tickets to a Packers game anytime soon.


JoJo wants to express her love for Jordan but Ben has scared her off.  Understandable.
Last season's heartbreak flashback

Over in Florida, Robby is excited to "see his girlfriend."  
JoJo expresses her concerns ((red flag red flag)) about his recent break up.  Then, after refusing to say any form of "L" word to Jordan, she expresses the fact she's falling for Robby to his mother.  This leads me to believe things are going to blow up in her face.
Robby tries to reassure JoJo about his ex, she drinks away her fears.  I like her style.

Move over Robby, like, Luke is next in line.  Let the like, chemistry flow... 
Ok, I had no idea just like, how "down hoe country boy" Luke was.  That's like, hot.
And am I, like, the only one who has noticed, like how much like, Luke likes to say "like"?  It's like, a lot.
And also, he's like, such a like, romantic.  Cue the, like music.

Finally, time for the rose ceremony and cutting the list down to 3... but wait... 
In a dramatic turn of events... JoJo says she's cutting Luke - that is until he pulls her aside just before the first rose is handed out.  Luke, like, admits he's in love with JJ.   And dun dun dunnnnn.... she doesn't know what to do anymore. 

To be continued... 


Until next week, I'm going to take a moment and say my goodbye.

~xo KP


Thursday 21 July 2016

Week 7: Gaucho On My Mind

Week 7 almost time for Hometown dates!

3 one-on-one dates this week and one group date - with only one rose up for grabs... let the drama begin.

The first solo date goes to Alex... so "he can stop bitching" and hopefully lose the chip on his shoulder and enjoy himself.  

Alex's date isn't exactly going well... ouch!  No chipie kissy for you!

 The best part of Alex's date was the cut-away to the other guys on the bus rapping about how short he is!
"Dude's so short he needs a stool to get in it" - Guy's rap

To make matters worse for Alex, they dress him like a "gaucho" - which is supposedly a very manly look in Argentina.

What is happening here??  

Shockingly, she's turned on by the look - also, is that horse dead?  

And then Alex admits he's falling in love with JoJo and she looks like she's looking at a dead horse again.  
That reaction - priceless.
                                            Bye Alex.  

Jordan gets the next one on one in a vineyard.  Sounds delicious, except for that time they drank crushed grapes they had just stomped on.  Mmmm feet juice!

We learn on the date Jordan doesn't speak with his brother.  At all.  Bummer, I was really disappointed to learn this because the previews really made it sound like he was going to drop some huge news that might put his status on the show in jeopardy.  Such pathetic news.
After this admission he also drops the "L" bomb.  That decision didn't go well for Alex but for Jordan it works.  JoJo is on top of the world as the music intensifies.  

The group date is rained out and JoJo is forced to change the plans - deciding to "kick it" instead.  Food, games and activities - the "perfect slumber party!"  Which translated into JT plying fries into his mouth, always attractive, and Robbie gettin' naked.  Nice.

While watching TV James lets it be known that he calls Robbie "WER" - Wandering Eye Robbie ~ James is stirring things up, yay!  Robbie is pissed... things are about to get ugly up in here - according to Robbie.

I can't wait!

RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG - Robbie talks about his 4 year relationship that ended, badly, just FOUR MONTHS AGO.  That is a total red flag to me.  He's not over things.  Time for lil lady to move on.
Or at least that would be MY reaction.  But I'm not JoJo - or JoJo is not me.  That's evident.

BUT Robbie goes on to tell the guys he's the front runner.  Hmm, maybe I'm way off base.  I'm still a fan of James Taylor.  He's adorbs!

And then she boosts Robbie's confidence by giving him the group date rose.  Shocking.  Well, she's been totally unpredictable the whole time for me, starting when she kept Evan around.
I just don't know what is going to happen.

Luke and JoJo go on their second one on one date.  Their chemistry is pretty hot.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Luke is the real front runner here.  

Sadly, for me, James T, Mr. Adorbs, was sent packing.

So... until next time, I'm going to take a moment and say my goodbyes.

~xo KP


Monday 4 July 2016

Week 6: Buenos "Like" Aires

Off to Buenos Aires and the first one-on-one goes to Wells, who is the only guy in the hotel to not have kissed JoJo.  What!?  How is that possible?  The girl has been making out with as many guys as possible!  So many, in fact, I'm starting to think she's been making bets with the producers.  Girl is a make out machine!

The pressure is definitely on.
Wells better bring it.  Instead, Wells spent most of the date thinking about kissing JoJo and contemplating kissing JoJo and stressing about kissing JoJo.  Yikes.  

And then... finally... he goes for it!  And it felt like she was kissing her cousin.  It was awkward and uncomfortable... for me.  I was waiting for JoJo to pat him on the head for facing his fear.  Good boy Wells, good boy.

And so... bye Wells.  Can't say this one shocked me.
The Group Date 

James T continues to amuse me.  Esp when he says being on the group date makes him stop and look around at "all these cool dudes" and how he feels he's wandered onto the wrong set.  His sense of humour and humility is super endearing to me.  It's also likely the reason he won't steal JoJo's heart in the end.  That whole "good guy" stigma.
Plus he's on the "in love train headed to JoJoville"... too damn cute!  Oh - and I'm totally going to use that one.

Group date convos low-down.  

Luke says "like,"  like way too much.  He probably, like, says "like" almost, like, every other word and I'm like, dude, you have, like, great hair, but, like, let's get real here.  You're not, like, a 16 year old, like, valley girl.  Drop the like!  You sound like a dope.

James T and JoJo's alone time is spent by JT Jordan bashing.  That's a scary place to venture James ... I'm nervous for him.  It felt too much like tattling.  Or whining.  Not good.  Do not be that guy JT!

That being said, I do like how JoJo respected JT's thoughts and spoke with Jordan about it. Buuuutttt I still think JT doesn't have much life left in JoJoville.  See, told you I would use it.

During the Jordan shakedown the superstar laughs it off.  JoJo doesn't let him downplay it.  I like her style.  However, while she lets him explain himself she plays with his hair.  Not too sure how serious she's taking it.

After, Jordan joins the guys and the awkward silence is just... well... awkward.
And then, like, Luke gets like the group date rose.  Like, good work Luke.
The dreaded two-on-one goes to... Derek and Chase.  Hmmm... both are a bit of a wild card.  I can't figure out how she feels about either one.  And I keep mixing up Chase and Jordan... because they look alike.  Twinning.

The 2 on 1 takes them dancing.
It takes two to tango - or three??

Immediately Derek feels so much confidence and Chase is feeling the underdog - so it didn't surprise me when she walked Derek out.  
Bye Bye Derek.
And then the cheesiest moment, possibly in Bachelor history, happens.  As Derek exits JoJo and Chase dance/make out to "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" and Derek sobs on the limo ride away from JoJoville.  

It was painful to watch.  

JoJo joins the guys at the rose ceremony with, not only an amazing dress, but a lot of confusion.
I mean, AH-mazing dress!

The rose ceremony ends and we are down to... everyone because JoJo decides to keep the population of JoJoville slightly full at this point.  She's torn and wants more time with the guys.

Relief is on James Taylor's mind while Alex is pissed off.  Shocking.

Until next week, I'm going to take a moment and say my goodbyes.


~xo KP