Sunday 31 July 2016

Week 9 ... Let the Drama Continue

When last we left off JJ was torn (that's right, I'm now too lazy to add the o's to JoJo), Luke, like, finally admitted he was in love with her, which is exactly what she needed to hear and she was just about to send him home.  Now, conflicted, JJ must get back to the rose ceremony.

Here we go...

We return to JJ crying on the tarmac... unfortunate.
And then, with all the dramatic music playing, she sends like, Luke home.  Too little too, like, late Luke.  
It was slightly awkward at the goodbye... JJ was holding onto him crying while he stared blankly off into space, dumbfounded.  And he just kept saying "like, I don't understand, like, I thought... like like like"... maybe I won't like, miss Luke so much.

After the Luke goodbye the 3 remaining guys and JJ head off to Thailand.  

JJ is very protective of her heart following the last season.  
One her date with Robby she struggles with her feelings and his.  JJ is afraid of letting the walls down, she's afraid of getting hurt again.

Ben breaking JoJo's heart.
JJ and Robby make their way to the fantasy suite and the music becomes uplifting as Robby and JJ profess their love (to producers) about each other as they head off to have sex.  Have fun kids!

The next morning JJ is full of all the love for Robby.  She's keeping a lid on it because she still has a couple other guys in the wings - but he definitely seems the front runner.  I'll admit, I did not expect that.

Jordan gets the second date, second night and tough to compete from the sounds of it.

Jordan and JJ head into a sacred temple and can't suck face.  It's a big deal apparently that the two can't kiss for the amount of time they spend in the temple.  Soon, kids, soon you'll be doing a lot more than kissing in the fantasy suite.


Time to get down to the "real" questions with Jordan.  JJ asks him what the future looks like annnndddd he doesn't have an answer.  

The best part: Jordan says he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and she tosses it back in his face with "that's what Ben said."  Wow.  Just wow.  Ben has legit ruined this poor girl.

"How do you know you want me?  How do you know?"  JJ is really grilling Jordan... or so I thought.  But once he gives a vague, I just know, answer she caves.  
Weak JJ - very weak.


Chase, at this point, really has no chance.  I never really felt the bond between them anyway... but I could be wrong.  Hell, she kept Evan around for a while and I didn't think he'd get past the first night.  Hell, he shouldn't have made it past the producers.
Oh Evan.                                           

Right before her date with Chase our bachelorette admits to producers she's in love with Jordan and Robby.  
So basically, bye Chase.

Didn't help Chase's cause when Robby crashes the middle of his date by secretly visiting JJ at her hotel room.   Well played Robby, well played.


Awkwardness ensues as JJ leaves Chase sitting on the couch in their fantasy suite after professing his love for her.  He even says he doesn't want to live in a world without her.  Deep.  She lets him sit on that one for a bit before coming back in to hand him his heart.

Shake it off Chase, shake it off.

And then there were 2.

Down to Jordan and Robby.  I don't like either.  Damn.  

Good luck JJ.  I don't give your relationship, no matter who you end up with, much hope.  Jordan is too into himself and Robby isn't over his last relationship.  Yikes all around.

Men Tell All next week!
The Chad Bear is back - let's get to poking!!


Until next week I'm going to take a moment and say my goodbyes.

~xo KP

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